Feb 25, 2007

There are many great reasons and advantages for planting trees around your home: 1. Trees helps lower your electricty bill. Trees provide shade, therefore if you plant trees around your home, they will provide shade and keep the sunlight from directly hitting your house, helping lower your electricity bill, automatic heater or air conditioner will not run as much. 2. Trees...
For most people, dogs are important part of the family. If you cannot bring them along with you on your trips, it matters to you that your dog will be comfortable, happy and well-attended to while you are gone. These things can be achieve by having the right kennel for your dog. Here are some tips to make sure that your dog will be in great hands while you are away: Great...

Feb 24, 2007

Most of our flowers in the yard are not in bloom yet because its winter season and its been cold and snowing. To add some colors in our kitchen island, we been buying the cheapest cut flowers available in Safeway for $3.99 to $6.99 per boquet. Other nicer flowers like tulips and roses is around $12.99 to $19.99 so we just deal with the carnation and daisies because they...
Lunch was extra special today, i had one of my favorite dish, fried fish with cooked rice. My hubby is not the best fan of fish, so we dont have fish meal very often. We bought the pre-packaged fishes few weeks ago during our visit at Costco. That was the first time I realized that they have some fish available, which really got me so excited. I am always open to many...
After a long and tiring day, we decided to treat ourselves with a flavorful mouth-watering meat lasagna last night. Nope, we usually do not make the lasagna from scrath because of all the mind-boggling ingredients and all the works involve for an everyday dinner. We usually have the party size frozen meat lasagna by Stouffer's which cost around $11 to $12 in most groceries...

Feb 22, 2007

Its snowing today (February 22, 2007) in the Sierra-Nevada mountains here in California. Its the first major snowfall we have this winter season, producing around one foot of snow today. I stayed indoor even if the fresh powder snow is very inviting to play outside. Our deck and railing shows its already a foot of snow falling since eight clock this morning, that was when...

Feb 20, 2007

Bearded Iris is one of the favorite collectible flowers here in the U.S. There are several people who are in the look out for all different iris colors available. There are several different color varities like purple, black, white, blue, yellow, gold, bronze, and more! Bearded Irises can grow 24 to 36 inches tall with strong sturdy long-stemmed. One iris plant can produce...
Want to try something yummy? Dont let the strawberries in your refrigerator rot, uneaten. There are several ways to eat your strawberries the fun way. One, is by eating it on its own, its healthy, its a fruit! Two, you can blend it with a some milk and some icecream, and have an instant milk shake. Third, you can sliced the strawberries, topped them in a butter cake or chiffon...
Tulips, they speaks simplicity, beauty, crisp and fresh. Tulips are one of the most beautiful and natural beauty on earth. These long-stemmed flowers stand tall with firmness and elegance. Tulips come in different colors, blue, pink, orange, black, white, yellow, red, combination of two or three colors. Tulips usually grow around 16-24 inches tall but dwarf tulips are shorter,...
Marigold flowers are annual plant that will grow up to around 12 to 18 inches tall at maturity. Marigolds are best planted in a full sunny location in a well-drained soil. Marigolds are great in in both planters and beds of flowers. The most common marigold flower colors are the dark maroon and bright orange. But marigolds are also available in other colors like yellow,...

Feb 10, 2007

FLORIDA reminds me of Philippines in so many ways specially their climate. They have nice tropical weather out there, lots of sunshine, then unexpected rain, lightning and thunderstorm in the afternoon that last for few hours. THe Orlando area of Florida is designed with tourists in mind. It is a very tourist-friendly city, tHey have nice side of the road walkways for on-the-foot...

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