I grow up as a kid not using the washing machine for our laundry. We had a washer and dryer but we only occassionally used it for bed sheets and other super heavy fabrics like curtains and sofa covers. But for our everyday clothes, everything was done by hand, that is why it was a heaven sent that every weekend we have a helper for doing the laundry, also known as Labandera, to help us with the loads of clothes to wash. Now that I am married, I have to do the washing for the family. Good thing that washing machines are essential in most household nowadays, that way i dont have to rub every single clothes I wear trying to clean it. I normally dont run the washing machine on a daily basis. In fact, I only do the laundry once a week, usually during the weekends. To save electricity, I always try to accumulate like colors clothings before I run them all at once in the washing machine, that way I dont waste water, electricity, soaps, and time trying to clean few clothes, when I can use almost the same amount for more clothes.