Oct 19, 2012

If you been frustrated with your existing cable tv provider or had been in the past, then you are certainly not alone. Many people out there are sharing the same frustrations, from getting poor receptions to getting limited shows with high prices. Many of us signed up for cable tv service basing mainly on the existing companies that we know of, the ones the sent us ads in the mail, or the ones that run paid ads on telivision. Many...
I have been seeing Praying Mantis insects quite often in our backyard for the past years. Most of the praying mantis that I have seen were mostly fully grown adult ones around three inches long. Recently, while hanging out in the garden patio area, in the corner of my eyes I noticed a very tiny green insect in our fabric outdoor swing. When I went to take a closer...

May 2, 2012

Nowadays in which unemployment is high and jobs are scarce, many people are going back to school and get some kind of college education to freshen their minds and give themselves a huge advantage in this very competitive job market. Finding a job nowadays is very hard, and with many competition, it is best to arm ourselves with the right knowledge and tools to put ourselves on top of the lists of applicants. There is less demand and...
We have this cat fish for several years already. We bought her when she was a very tiny little fish, around an inch total length. Now, she is more than a foot long! Quite a gentle giant, I should say, doesn't move much, pretty much want to be left alone most of the time. Her favorite places in the tank is in the corner or dark places where the rest of the fishes give her...

Aug 23, 2011

Moving can be fun, that is if you only think of where you are heading, and the new people you are going to meet. But majority of the people will probably agree that moving your stuff to your new place is no fun at all. Who likes to move big boxes? Not me, but if there is one group I can think of that love doing it, its definitely the Meathead Movers, who can assist you during your move and make your move fun instead of a task...
For several centuries, when we think of office jobs, we think of papers and paperworks. But such concept has drastically changed these days. Nowadays, when you think of office works, computers come to mind. Using computers nowadays are neccessity in an office environment, nothing is foreign about it anymore, its a need and its just part of our days work. We use computers for writing notes, preparing print-outs, doing presentations and accounting, organizing...

Aug 15, 2011

Occassionally, homeowners receive a service offer to paint their driveway with their house number inorder for emergency crews or fire personnel to easily spot your house incase of an emergency situation. If something like this is quite important, so is an address plaques that you put in front of your house. Address plaque maybe a small item but it has a huge impact not only visually but functionally as well. It is one of the first thing...
Almost two years ago I purchased a brand new laptop with all the hypes and whistles available at that time. Its amazing how technology change so fast because everything in that laptop computer is turning obsolete in comparison to what is available nowadays. The worst part is that its only been almost two years and its no longer functional. Since I didnt availed the extended warranty, I cannot get help from the manufacturer...

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