Nov 28, 2007

This posting is gonna be totally different and unusual compare to my usual posts, that I have ever written. I am writing about my opinion on a very extraordinary and huge universe.

Last night in the History channel, i was watching this documentary episode about scientists going highs and lows exploring the vast universe around us, studying each planet they encounter with their state-of-the-art telescopes to search for a earth-like planet, similar planet where we all live in. These scientists are searching for a possible habitable planet for humans. It is amazing how these scientists are so determined to look for a planet like earth, a livable area with water, oxygen, etc.

With all the years of living here on earth, it never cross my mind to live somewhere else beside earth. But these scientists sure have wider persperstive, they are looking for that earth-like planet where someday humans can visit or live in. Nobody knows if a planet like this actually exist at all, but looking for it might someday result in discovery and will one day become norm and part of history. Just like how everyone before came to believe that earth is flat and was later discovered that it is actually round!

The question that lingers through my mind while I was watching the TV show was that, what if these scientists will really discover that there is a livable earth-like planet out there, what are the chances that anyone here on earth decides to move out there and live there instead? Probably a new technology will be developed to make traveling there possible and turn into a space exploration business and make it into a destination.

What are the possibilities that humans could possibly move to another earth-like planet if discovered later on? It is beyond the norm, and definitely beyond the ordinary to even think about it, but what if millions of years from now, earth will sadly become inhabitable effects due to devastating events like global warming, nuclear problems, etc. Will these be a reason enough to move somewhere else and live to another earth-like planet?! It is hard to imagine and come up of possible answer to this extraordinary question, but what do you think??!

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