Dec 31, 2007

All over the globe, in most major cities in the world, every December 31 at the strike of midnight, the once dark sky will transform into a colorful magnificient display of fireworks and all heads up with lots of ohhs and ahhs, and there are others who are just plain speechless as they observed the glittering display of fireworks right in front of them.In the beginning, I learned/heard that fireworks was not performed every New Years Eve or at the...

Dec 29, 2007

I got tagged by Justine with this meme.. Thanks girl! I am tagging YOU (if you are currently reading THIS MEME/TAG in between December 29, 2007 to January 10, 2008) then YOU ARE BEING TAGGED with this meme! Hope you have time to answer this! Please let me know when you answer this so I can read your blog too.Here are the rules of this tag/meme:1. Mention the person who tagged you and create a link back to them.2. Copy-paste the traits for all the...

Dec 27, 2007

We are great fans of the movie Bourne. We bought both Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy DVDs the moment they were released and available for sale in store shelves. We had been waiting for the next DVD release of the third Bourne, so as soon as we learned that the third movie (Bourne Ultimatum) came out this December 2007, it was definitely on our short listed list of DVDs to buy this year. As usual, the movie gave the watchers a feeling of suspense,...
You blog almost everyday, talking about different things that interests you, and writing about things that you encountered or experienced on a daily basis. You blog to give your honest opinions and sincere reviews about things, without realizing that by talking about a particular company or product, you are actually giving them exposures and credits, that are mostly beneficial to that company. And it also means that you are basically giving them...
I remember when I was a kid, most of my childhood years, I observed my mother wearing polka dots and circles wardobe during New Years Day. She also tried to make sure that me and my sister would be wearing polka dots dresses that day as well. She said that circles and polka dots symbolizes coins/finance and/or prosperity and financial success. So if we would wear polka dots on New Years Day, more money would be coming to our family for the whole...

Dec 26, 2007

Did you ever dream of owning your very own ecommerce store but you do not have the proper programming education, nor the knowledge to start coding a whole online store from scratch? Did you ever wish that your online store will be up and running very soon but you do not have the budget and the resources to hire you own internet or online personnels to provide you with high-end ecommerce software to make your online store into reality? If you have...
I never got the chance to post about our special dinner we had few days before Christmas Day, but my Hubby surprised me with an Eat-All-You-Can Seafood Buffet in one of the little-bit-expensive restaurant in our area. He told me that it was gonna be an advance special dinner celebration for us for Christmas. We usually dont go to expensive restaurants on a daily basis because that would definitely kill our budget, but of course once in awhile, we...

Dec 24, 2007

I woke up at one oclock in the morning, tip-toed to the living room, grabbed all the items that I need to wrap and start packing them nicely as gifts! I know, it is totally last minute, its December 24, and that is the only time I have the chance to wrap without my Hubby getting suspicious and peeking all around, what I am wrapping and all. I just dont want to hand things unwrapped, that would not be meaningful and magical at all. So the best I can,...

Dec 23, 2007

Time and time again, there are people out there who dream, and achieve their dreams. And by working towards your dream, you get closer and closers towards making your dream come true.The other day, I was reading my co-blogger Justine post about this super talented young filipino singer, Charice Pempengco, who was invited to perform live in US thru Ellen DeGeneres hit telivision show. And then today, I went to my co-blogger MalditangPinay post and...

Dec 22, 2007

At exactly November 30 morning, we gathered some of our christmas decors from the storage and got them all ready for decorating that same day. We decided to pull out only the outdoor decors this year. That same day, we were able to see some holiday transformation in our yard, we were able to put up three (3) blow-up christmas balloons aroound 7 to 8 feet tall each. We have...

Dec 21, 2007

1. Name one thing you do everyday. the one thing that i will never miss to do everyday is wake up! sometimes i forget to eat, so that wont count, right?2. Name two things you wish you could learn. speak and understand Spanish, learn how to oil paint3. Name three things that remind you of your childhood. pony tail, seven-seven hair-do, color yellow4. Name four things you love to eat but rarely do. love to eat rarely eat, buko salad,...

Dec 20, 2007

  • Thursday, December 20, 2007
  • Jazevox
  • ,
Few weeks ago, I bought an eggroll wrappers in one of the local supermarket here in our area. I was planning to make some Lumpia for one of our meals. I think lumpia is the same as what is commonly called Eggroll everywhere? (Im not sure so let me know if Im wrong!) Few weeks later, I noticed that the eggroll wrappers i bought remained untouched, still left unopened and stored in our refrigerator. So yesterday, I decided to finally take the time...

Dec 19, 2007

We have a cockatiel bird, he is mostly grey in color and like many other cockatiel birds, he looks like he is wearing a tuxedo. I dont know if all cockateil or all birds are like that, but our cockatiel bird definitely has some character!A lot of times when we wake up in the morning and open the lights in the room where he is placed, he starts humming and whistling a tune, as if he is happy we are finally awake to give him company? But when we turn...
Owning an online business is a dream come true to a lot of people, including myself. But for a lot of people, getting started is the hardest part of all. With the fast-paced development of technology nowadays, and the complicated process of starting your very own ecommerce store, sometimes you may feel like you will never even be able to make the first step to do it. But with...

Dec 18, 2007

Winter time is definitely more stormy than any other time of the year. Weather can change from rain to snow and then sunny in a day or two.Yesterday, I was walking on our driveway and try opening the gate to drive the car out. While walking towards the gate, I realized that the driveway was a little bit slippery and icy, so I walked really slow and carefully too. But even with how careful I was, my shoes slipped and if I was not holding the gate...
Receiving a Creative Blogger Award, is definitely a nice compliment. Like many bloggers out there, maintaining a blog to me is not the easiest thing to do. It is an everyday challenge to come up with a new unique post, a genuine article that readers hopefully can relate to. And the challenge of putting words together and create a sentence, to create a paragraph is also quite...

Dec 17, 2007

First of all, I wanna say thank you to Denz for awarding me with True Blue Award because I think this is definitely a cool one! I truly appreciate your thoughts and giving me this.And if you all noticed, the whole graphics of this award features a dolphin image. Originally, the name of this blog was DolphinState because I am a dolphin fanatic, i collect dolphin stuff, and...

Dec 16, 2007

We finally broke our regular record this month, we ended up buying four (4) new release DVDs within a month period: Harry Potter 4 or 5?, Pirates of The Carribean 3, Bourne 3 and Lost 3Earlier this year, we decided to upgrade our cable TV channel package and add HBO and Cinemax channels pack together with the regular package so that we can eliminate the costly habit of buying DVDs everytime new movies comes out in the store. We thought that if we...

Dec 15, 2007

Wishing you ALL advanceMerry Christmas and Happy New Year!From Our Family To Yo...

Dec 14, 2007

The other night, we were watching TV when a new commercial of Real Californa Cheese came on. I am the type of person who likes funny commercials and one of my favorite commercials on TV are commercials from Real California Cheese, where they have all kinds of funny and unique scenes about california cows being happy and having fun and using their famous commercial quote: Happy cows come from California.The new commercial is about a duck meditating...

Dec 12, 2007

Late last night, we decided to pull out a huge piece of meat, Chuck Roast, from the freezer, slow cooked it in the crock pot with chunks of potatos and carrots in it. This is the first time that we tried slow cooking a meat still frozen, fresh directly from the freezer. Due to previous experience, my hubby decided not to add water in the crock pot together with the ingredients (meat, potato and carrots) because he did not want it to overflow later...

Dec 11, 2007

When I was growing up, we only have one wooden boxed television (TV) and it was a black and white with small screen TV and it was situated in the living room where all my family gather everynight to watch shows together. We only had the regular channels with around 10 channels choices, there was no cable TV, we only had an antenna at the roof top.Nowadays, most family have multiple television, one for each room, some people even place another TV...

Dec 10, 2007

I found this fun Christmas Tag from 4ForMe blog and it is perfect for this holiday time, and decided to grab and answer it!1)egg nog or hot chocolate? hot chocolate. i tried eggnog, and im not the best fun of it.2)Do you wrap your presents or not? absolutely, its the wrapping part that makes gifts more presentable and make it even more special!3)Colored lights or white? i actually like both depends on where I use it. For Christmas trees, i prefer...

Dec 9, 2007

We have this all-white Christmas tree that we installed outside more than a week ago. And when it is lit, it looks so nice and pretty illuminated because of all the tiny clear christmas lights on it. So this christmas tree looks really nice when the lights are on in the night. Last week, i noticed my hubby re-arranging the christmas tree and adding lighted deers on the side of it to complete the outdoor display. He also decided to install an automatic...

Dec 7, 2007

It is that time of year again when we could definitely expect some rain for a change. Living here in California (CA), we normally dont get a lot of rain. There are so much sunny days in CA, probably almost the same number days that Washington State have rainy days. I heared that it could rain and drizzle in Washington almost everyday for months. In contrary, CA is the exact opposite, just like Florida, CA should also be called the Sunshine State....

Dec 5, 2007

Thanks Joy for this great Blog Buddies Award that you gave me :-) I truly appreciate this and happy to receive it! Blogging will not be so fun and exciting if not for co-bloggers out there who share the same passion and enthusiam about what I enjoy doing like blogging! So thanks to all my co-bloggers out there. Blogging truly gives me the chance to write. I read books...

Dec 4, 2007

Yesterday, for the second time we went to have dinner in this newly opened Italian restaurant here in our area. Our first visit was the best, the foods were excellent and the service was phenomenal. During our visit yesterday, I decided to order the same foods as the last time since it was a great meal, as I can recall. I had Fettucini Pesto with Shrimps for main course and the order have complementary warm soup and warm bread. During our yesterdays...
Do you want to find out the Reading Level of your blog? Try this! The rules are simple: * Take the test and see which grade your blog is. * Make sure to link back to me on your post. * Tag at least 1 person. * When you’re finish taking the test, come back and comment here so I can check your post. Here is the RESULT for this blog (Honestly FRESH) :(removed) I am tagging Chant, Marie, Lanie, Malditang Pinay, CC, and YOU too! Many thanks to my...

Dec 2, 2007

  • Sunday, December 02, 2007
  • Jazevox
Hey Miss Chant thank you for this tag.Before I start this tag, I have to say that I dont really consider myself weird...Im more like the simple, ordinary type of person with big dreams and radical thoughts. Since this tag, is about finding the weirdness in me, im gonna look for unusual things that I do that I think NOT everyone else does, so here it goes:My Weirdness: 1. My hubby knows when I am awake some mornings because our doggies can talk, sometimes...

Dec 1, 2007

Last night, I was watching Donny Deutch tv show, The Big Idea, where he had show guests that talk about their big ideas and inventions that changed their life. Last night episode of The Big Idea featured this corporate guy from the east coast that gave up his six (6) digits salary as a lawyer and decided to become a Lego Artist full time, to follow his real passion, the one that truly makes him happy. I heared it a million times, start with your...

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